Talking Straight Up Without Getting Madly

I remember little Howard. His favorite part of the Lord's Prayer was "Howard be Thy Name." Shame on me, but I taught him to sing "In the Swing, Bye and Bye," also "Gladys, the Cross-Eyed Bear," and "Andy Walks With Me, Andy Talks With Me."

Justin Evans was a toddler when I first met him. I liked to ask him if he was just an Evans, and he would always say he was. I remember his dad would pick at him just to see the cute little guy make a fist and say, "Dadly, you're making me mad!"

I remember also an old employer who told me not to make him mad or else he would tell me what he thought. I don't think he had the courage otherwise.

Then I remember the wise person who would not give me a "fish," but taught me instead how to "fish." I thought he was insensitive, so did not really like him at first.

My vendor friend is loaded with personality but brings the insecurities of his unmet needs into his relationships with clients, so does not deal well with my honest feedback or rejection of his proposals. I told him he would not make a good caddy.

Compliments to gain acceptance is the oldest hussle and serves no one well. But the more we grow in our experience of the heart (mind) of Christ for others, the more we are empowered to speak straight up to them in love.

Don Loy Whisnant/Journey Notes 8D23