The Confession of a Parent, Husband, and Pastoral Counselor: I Don’t Care

My most honest confession is that I don’t value myself or others. And why not! How could it be otherwise! It is not my inborn temperament or human nature to value, but only to use. Even if I give, it will not be a redemptive investment, but only with expectation for a return that satisfies my own impulsive, carnal needs.

Not only so, but in all my life I have not been significantly valued, but instead, only considered valuable to be used to support the feel good goals and needs of others, including parents, teachers, coaches, pastors, and employers, good people all.

But the Holy Spirit has birthed in me the heart of Christ. As I am renewed daily by who he is in me, I am slowly increased to value myself and to care for the redemptive needs of others. This so that I can stop using them or offering myself to be used.

Don Loy Whisnant/Journey Notes 8H18