Feeling Pressured to Please the President
After watching the GOP convention last night
and thinking about Trump’s VP choice, that his role would be to subordinate
himself to support the policies of the President, I dreamed I was invited by
Trump to serve in his cabinet as a spiritual advisor. He “wined and dined” me,
took me to his home, and I even slept in his bed which had his policies written
on the bed cover. At first, while I was happy for the opportunity, I felt a bit
pressured to do a good job and to win the President’s approval. But then he
asked me to bake a cake. I told him I didn’t bake cakes. He asked how he could
know whether or not I could bake. I said he wouldn’t. He lowered his head and
said okay. I woke up and then went back to sleep to dream that I was at a function
with him and felt pressured to be perfect. Then I thought, “I am a Pastor and
Elder; this relationship is not appropriate.” So I resigned.
DonLoy Whisnant/The Grace
Perspective/Journey Notes 16G22